The Islamic Society of Britain (ISB) is a community based charity, organised as a national membership society. Founded in 1990, we were one of the first organisations that sought to bring a uniquely British perspective to Islam. Since then we have been bringing individuals together to inspire the teachings repeated in the Qur’an: to have faith and do good. ISB exists to help Muslims better understand our faith in a contemporary context within Britain.
We view Islam as a religion of peace and a continuation of age-old teachings from God to humanity. Not as a new religion, but as a way of life that has a strong focus – in spiritual terms on the worship of one God, and in social terms on justice and equity between people.
The Islamic Society of Britain is parent to two youth groups:
Young Muslims UK
YM cater to the needs of 11-16 year olds. Hosting residentials, study circles and social gatherings.
ISB Campus
Campus cater to the needs of 17-26 year olds. Hosting in-person and online masterclasses, study circles, residentials and regional socials in the North, Midlands and South.