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As-salaamu alaykum all,

It’s nearly New Year’s Day, according to the Gregorian Calendar.

We are all feeling the intense trauma of witnessing such extreme suffering across the world, including in Palestine, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Sudan.

There are few words to describe the horrors our brothers and sisters are enduring, yet we trust that Allah has a plan and He is the best of planners.

One may ask: what can we do?

  • We can make du’a
  • We can petition and protest
  • We can know the history of key areas and challenge the propaganda
  • We can organise and educate

As we move into the new year, here are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Try to get involved in the Countdown2Ceasefire campaign if you can.
  • The next UK General Election will most likely take place in 2024, and so we have an opportunity to be organised and strategic in how we vote. If done effectively, we could have a real influence on the results in many constituencies and help to ensure that the winning candidates align with our values. Campus and ISB will be collaborating with organisations that can guide on this – watch this space.
  • Beyond Campus are organising events to help young people really step into their power and influence as British Muslims so that we can have impact nationally and globally.
  • YM have a residential in February for 11-16 year olds inshallah. Do invite younger family members to come along!
  • All of our circles, seminars, residentials and qiyams/Quran circles will continue to help us unite in our hearts, strengthen in our deen, and find positive purpose together.

Please do get involved!

May Allah accept all the efforts of the many, many people who have worked tirelessly on these projects.

We pray that you all enjoy health, prosperity, and contentment. We pray that you all find barakah in your efforts and time. And we pray that Allah brings us good times with more honour, more unity in our societies, less poverty and pain, and more peace and stability in 2024 and beyond.


From your ISB Campus Coordinators

#Muslim Heroes – YM Residential 
9-11th February 2024

Islamic Society of Britain & Young Muslims, UK present the next residential for 11-16 years olds
#Muslim Heroes
9th-11th February 2024

A weekend residential for 11-16 year olds in Secondary School to inspire young Muslims to see the Heroes all around them. From history to every day life to within themselves! Featuring interactive workshops, reminders, and outdoor activities and an open, welcoming environment with something for everyone!

  • Book tickets HERE
  • Transport may be arranged from Glasgow, Manchester & Birmingham
    Contact for [email protected] for more details
  • Accommodation on site

Campus North & ISB Manchester
Saturday 13th January

‘In person family circle and social’
Families are welcome (ages 11+)

Didsbury Mosque

Topic 1
Prophetic Model of Bringing Change

Topic 2
Political Engagement

Please bring a snack for the charity sale

Register HERE


YM e-Circle for 11 – 13s 

Young Muslims 11 to 13s circle:
6pm – 7pm

EVERY FRIDAY during term time
(next one on 12th January 2024)

Register using this link:


YM e-Circle for 14 – 16s


Young Muslims 14 to 16s circle:

7.30pm – 9pm
EVERY OTHER FRIDAY during term time
(next one on 12th January 2024)

Register using this link:


ISB Campus Winter Residential Review
By Sundus Miladi

On the 15th-17th December Campus hosted a residential for 17-26 year olds with the theme ‘Stories from the Qur’an‘.

The weekend was filled with Qur’anic Circles after prayer, dhikr & tahajud in the evening, beginner’s calligraphy workshop and a Q&A with the mentors. A residential to reflect, discuss and better our relationship with the Qur’an.

“The warmth, knowledge and comfort I gained is a lingering feeling that I cherish and am deeply thankful for to all the organisers, speakers and beautiful souls that attended – May Allah bless all of them.”

Click HERE to read the review by one of the attendees!


Sixth Form & Fresher’s Circle

Friday 12th January

For 16-20 year olds and anyone in Campus

Topic 1
Book Review: Ilan Pappe’s 
“The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”

An absolute must read. Join us for a summary and discussion.

Topic 2
Unpacking Westminster
With Sumayya Anis 

*What is the structure of the House of Commons and the House of Lords?
*What is the British Constitution? 
Do join and invite friends!

Beyond Campus Event

ISB Beyond Campus is a new, growing ISB community for graduates/ those in the workplace aged up to 35 years old. They provide an excellent opportunity to network, receive mentoring and raise aspirations!

They are hosting their next event after the success of their inaugural networking dinner a few months ago:

Faith in the Workplace
with Jeffery Beere

Date: Saturday 17th February
Venue: Al-Faisal Restaurant, Birmingham

More details to come – stay in touch!


Islamic Work Resources

The Campus teams have been working on some FANTASTIC documents and videos to help you guys in your Islamic work, the newest edition being the recording of our recent poster design and video editing workshop.

1. Poster Design and Video Editing
For building on your knowledge and skills on how to create striking and professional poster designs and how to seemlessly edit online ISB/ ISB Campus seminars/ circles for our YouTube page. Demos included. 

2. How to Set-Up and Maintain a Dynamic I-Soc
For use in university/ college and school I-socs. This document covers the basics of what an I-Soc is all about and how to set up and maintain a successful society.

3. Organisational Work: Project Planning
This document covers the details that reside in planning, organising and executing a project itself. It includes scheduling tips and information about how to make sure your project runs smoothly and is sustainable.

4. The Fiqh of Delivering a Khutbah
This document outlines and delves into the importance of the jumu’ah prayer and khutbah, format and structure of it. It gives examples of Qur’anic verses and duas to use too.

Please share these with others!

Click here for the shared folder


Help us Spread the Word!

We have a lot of brilliant work happening in ISB with all of our online circles! 

We would love to spread the word and expand our audience as much as we can so that more people may benefit from them InshaAllah. 

This poster has been designed to be shared for this purpose, so please do forward this on to all of your contacts; if you are a part of any Muslim parents group chats or Muslim associations, or anyone you feel may be interested in joining. You can download a high quality copy here.

[email protected]


Watch Our Past Sessions

If you have missed any of our previous events, you can find them on our YouTube channel BritIslam. Please do visit, subscribe and share!

All the e-circles can be found here.
Some of the titles include: