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Have a look at our YouTube channel for our previous Ramadan Circles and Qiyams. Here are some of the many videos!

Click on an image to watch the YouTube video
Preparing for Ramadan – Dr Hany El Banna
Ramadan 2021: Change Yourself
Qiyam: April 2023
Qiyam: 26th April 2022
Overcoming Our Ego in Ramadan (2020)
Myths of Ramadan (2020)
Qiyam: Ramadan 2020
Qiyam: Ramadan 2021
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Ramadan Reminders!

Short reminders, courtesy of Campus Mentor Rizwan Syed. There’s one for nearly every day of Ramadan, and are great to use as part of a family study circle, or just to remind you how to make the most of Ramadan!

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The ISB Blog

The Ties of Rahma

March 14, 2024

Ramadan ‘Moonlit Musings’ Series

Within this collection, our members have written their thoughts and reflections on this sacred month.

I often start Ramadan with extravagant plans of ibadah and worship, I used to make intricately planned lists and agendas for each day of this blessed month. Over the past few years of living with my extended family, studying and taking on the increasing family responsibility that comes with becoming a young adult, I have found that the way I prepare for and practice in Ramadan has shifted and I can’t always attain the lofty standards I used to set for myself. This can sometimes leave me disappointed, even guilty.

I am lucky enough to have my family as a huge part of my Ramadan – the meals, the prayers, the gatherings. Like many people… [read more]

The ISB Blog

Ramadan Mubarak

A Message from the Chair
March 11, 2024

As-Salamu-Alaikum to you all,

Alhamdullilah Allah has once more given us the opportunity to re-charge and improve ourselves in this most Blessed of months.

With all the turmoil happening around the World, and here in the UK, Ramadhan is an opportunity for us to focus on our personal relationship with Allah and to really construct a solid foundation of Taqwah in our lives.

With a solid foundation of Taqwah, then, and only then, can we achieve our true role on this Earth, to be Allah’s vicegerent.

Here at the Islamic Society of Britain, it is our belief that our active members only go through a programme of training and understanding of the religion with a sole purpose of being active citizens here in the UK… [read more]


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Ramadan Study Packs

Download our family study circle packs

Each pdf pack contains a variety of short stories, reminders, tafsirs and attributes of Allah (SWT). So that you may learn, connect and grow spiritually every day in Ramadan with your families.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Take a look at our other articles!