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The Islamic Society of Britain

aims to bring people together to provide services and projects inspired by faith to local communities

News & Updates

Statement from ISB

The Islamic Society of Britain is aware of an article in the Middle East Eye which discloses the formation of a possible Muslim Leadership Council. Whilst we have not been consulted or involved in any capacity in the formation of this Council, we await further details and information before drawing any definitive conclusions. We would urge any such Council to consult widely and to work alongside existing organisations, such as the Muslim Council of Britain.

Statement from ISB on recent far right violence

United Against Hate

The Islamic Society of Britain (ISB) and its Campus youth wing offer heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of young Bebe, Elsie and Alice who lost their lives in the most horrific and tragic of circumstances. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families and the Southport community during these difficult times.

We condemn the far right, Islamophobic riots that took place in Southport, outside a mosque, as a result of the spread of disinformation, when families and communities were grieving their loved ones. We applaud how Southport communities have collaborated to rebuild local streets and have exemplified solidarity in the aftermath of violent riots.

ISB condemns the multiple riots that have erupted all across the country which have showcased gratuitous violence and the targeting of ethnic minority individuals and public property; including hotels, police stations, libraries and mosques to name a few. This is the product of the ongoing and consistent demonisation and ‘othering’ of Muslims, refugees, and certain minority groups.

These acts of hatred and violence threaten our democratic values of tolerance and respect, seeking to undermine communities and the rule of law. For too long, hateful and divisive rhetoric from certain politicians and commentators have been allowed to fester without accountability. We urge communities to remain calm against provocation, consider their safety and security and let the police do their job.

We are appreciative of the immense efforts of our police force and remain optimistic in light of the tremendous resilience shown by local communities protecting one another.

We must remain vigilant of forces that for too long have been threatening to tear our communities apart whilst scapegoating minorities.

We must renew our efforts to protect our multicultural British society and hold to account those who seek to sew discord and undermine peaceful coexistence.

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Do you have time to volunteer with us?

We have so many teams that could benefit from your time and energy; our residentials, online circles, regional events, Ramadan qiyams, masterclasses etc all require volunteer effort to run to such high standards, so please consider supporting us by getting involved!

If you’re interested, you can get in touch with anyone on the committee, or your Campus Coordinators: Rasheed, Aadam & Maha.

Please also get in touch with us if you have any questions, feedback or suggestions on how we can improve your Campus experience.

~ Your Campus Coordinators

Our Vision

Founded in 1990, we were one of the first organisations that sought to bring a uniquely British perspective to Islam. Since then we have been bringing individuals together to inspire the teachings repeated in the Qur’an: to have faith and do good.

Our vision is to enable and create positive change in British society inspired by our faith.

Learn More About us
The Islamic Society of Britain’s mission:


Actively participate, build bridges, develop partnerships & contribute to society, by standing firmly for the values of justice and social concern


Creating spaces in which all generations of British Muslims can learn and explore faith


Nurturing and developing leadership, positive purpose, balance and moral integrity

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Friends of ISB

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With The Islamic Society of Britain

We’d love for you to be a part of our community and join us. If you can’t give your time, become a ‘Friend of ISB’! Your local Sadaqah will help us fund all the inspiring and essential work we do. When you become our ‘Friend,’ we will update you with newsletters, & invite you to our annual members meeting, so you know exactly what your money is being spent on.

Ensure that the amazing work of The ISB can continue for another 5 decades!

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ISB Online Circles

Are you struggling to find regular circles for young people that are: interactive, spiritual, discussion-based, friendly and that tackle contemporary issues that our youth face today?

Well, look no further!

ISB Circles are led by our experienced, well-versed YM & Campus mentors who cover:

  • Theological topics
  • Relevant & contemporary issues
  • Organisational & life skills
email to join

Take a look at our projects

Young Muslims


Schools Outreach