The Islamic Society of Britain has been established for over thirty years. In addition to being an organisation working on the spiritual and leadership development of young Muslim people, it is also continually active in its local communities across the United Kingdom engaged in social action for the betterment of society. Currently, more than two hundred volunteers support the ISB’s activities on an ad-hoc basis, and they are the backbone of the community work that we do.
Our Volunteer Policy
Our volunteer policy has been created to show our volunteers and potential volunteers that we have spent time and care in planning how volunteers from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds will be welcomed at ISB. It also outlines that all volunteers will be treated in a fair and consistent way. It should also help our volunteers understand what support is available to them and what they can expect from us.
View our policy in the link above
Our Vision and Mission for Volunteering
Volunteering is a great way to share your enthusiasm, skills and ideas whilst having fun and meeting like-minded people. By volunteering for ISB, you will be making a positive contribution to community development in your area – you will be working towards bringing communities together, empowering young people, and supporting local people. Volunteers are vital to our work.
All volunteers will go through an induction process covering Safeguarding training, DBS checks, Health & Safety, and task requirements.
Attracting Volunteers and Volunteer Agreement
We have a range of opportunities for volunteers to get involved in which are regularly advertised through our social media channels. if you would like to ensure you do not miss any opportunities please subscribe by completing the online Volunteer Registration Form below or alternatively, you can come along in person (if appropriate under current COVID-19 restrictions and enquire about becoming a volunteer.
Once we receive your completed registration form, a member of our Management team will get in touch with more information on specific opportunities and we can decide together which option best matches your interests and time availability and our needs.
Your help will be greatly appreciated and really will make a difference.
There are many other reasons for volunteering.
- Meet new people
- Improve health and general wellbeing.
- Learn new things about the world.
- Connects you with your community.
- Improve life skills and career enhancement.
- Reduce mental health problems – depression and anxiety.
In conclusion, the best way to become a truly productive Muslim is to work continually for the creation of a productive (and united) Muslim Ummah. May Allah grant us this and His pleasure. Ameen.