Study Circle Packs for YM, Campus and Ramadan
Welcome! You will find here some resources to help you present study circles for young people aged 16 and over. Please feel free to use them for your ISOC talks and in your family too!
The materials have been produced by the Campus Circle Materials Group, which includes young people and elders. There are templates/guides, as well as info sheets on a wide range of Circle topics. Each topic has a 1-page handout summary for attendees.
A wide range of topics are covered, e.g. basic beliefs, tafseer of the Quran, commentary on hadith, spirituality, contemporary issues etc.
Note: Where there is a difference of opinion on an issue, we try to reflect this in the materials. At ISB, we do not follow a specific school of thought. Therefore, in documents where Islamic law is mentioned, multiple different opinions may be cited so that one can choose based on their own preference.
So let us learn, connect and grow spiritually every day and especially in Ramadan with Study Circles. During Ramadans, we have been providing you and your family with a pack containing a series of reminders, tafsirs, attributes of Allah (SWT) and short stories about the Prophet Muhammed infinite peace and salutations from God and us be on him (S.A.W). Click on the links below to download the pdf packs.